Monday, August 23, 2010

T minus...2 weeks

I can see the end of 8 weeks coming- it's all gone by so fast- but I know that the 8 week mark will be a checkpoint- NOT the finish line.  I've got a long way to go still. But on the good stuff!  I weighed in this week and I'm down another 3.6 lbs!  354 lbs even.  I am 3lbs. away from the 50lbs. lost mark!  I will get it this week! I can't wait to see that number each week going down down down.  For my 10 year High School Reunion (in about 3 years)....boy- these people won't even recognize me!  When I look at myself in the mirror- I wonder...will I recognize me when it's all done?  I've never seen myself as anything but Fat- so this could be (will most likely be) pretty shocking. 

God- I give up this week to you- give me the strength to work hard; for me to work harder; to work my hardest and give it all. Amen.


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